Director's Message
Ms. Sangeeta Bhati
“ The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step.”
The Management of St. Columbus School had a dream when the school was established in the year 2001. It believed in harnessing the inborn potential of every child entering its portal and empowering him with knowledge through an all round education befitting the demands of the time. The school has tried its best to provide an environment conducive to the physical, moral and intellectual development of its students.
We are quite aware of the fact that today parents aspire to provide the best quality education possible to their wards. Education is a process of not only enlightening the minds but also building character; it prepares them for the challenges of tomorrow. Every educational institution established has some noble objective in view to achieve. And every organization can succeed only when its focus is on this cherished dream.

The aim of our institution is to impart integral education to the youth so as to enable them to find their proper places in the society.
Today the role of a teacher is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of our ever changing global society.
Education today has acquired a flavour and character that’s never been before. With blurring of borders and overlapping of cultures, the world has shrunk to emerge as a single huge market place. Hence much importance is given to such an education to the learners that makes them physically-fit, mentally-alert, inquisitive, creative, innovative, agile, compassionate, disciplined, confident, gregarious, benevolent, considerate, independent, ethically-strong, decisive & techno-savvy to be fit to accept and face the challenges of the modern competitive world and to be a proud part of the global fraternity.
Children are the future makers of nation. They must be shaped in such a way that the society may trust them. School is a place where basics of learning are imparted to students. St. Columbus School attaches great importance to inculcating students with the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of personality. We believe that a harmonious development of these three faculties can bring a total transformation in the personality of a child. The school is of the firm opinion that a sound moral, cultural and physical training is as important as academic and scholastic instruction in preparing a student for a better role in life. Our commitment has been to ensure the holistic development of our students , thereby in addition to all our efforts to impart the best education, we also provide equal importance to co-curricular activities like sports, physical education, self development etc.
We eye on to form our students into morally upright citizens akin to the rich Indian Cultural Heritage. Holistic development of the students is the principal aim of education. To tap, recognize, nurture and whet the innate potentialities of our students, we provide a sound platform to them by organizing a gamut of activities so that they may become self-assured and the architects of their own fate. The multifarious approach of the school perks up innovation among the students by inspiring fresh ideas with creative, logical and analytical thinking and strong conviction. The school is a leading and well-trusted name in educational scenario.
It gives me pride and rapture to perceive the unflinching support and earnest cooperation of the well- wishers.
Striving hard to keep alive the trust & hopes.