Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

School Timing

  • Class Timings: 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
  • Students are expected to arrive at school 5 minutes before the morning bell. Failure to do so will result in being denied entry to the school.
  • The school gate closes at 8:00 A.M., and late entries will not be permitted.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • Students must be punctual and present for all classes and activities. Latecomers must provide a note from parents; otherwise, they will not be allowed in class.


  • Students should wear neatly laundered uniforms with polished shoes. Hair should be properly groomed, with specific guidelines for boys and girls. The prescribed uniform must be worn daily and PT/house uniform on Wednesdays and Fridays. Any alteration in the uniform is not permitted.

Leaving School Premises

  • Students are not allowed to leave the school during regular hours without permission.

Absence Policy

  • Absences must be documented with a note from parents on A4 size sheet. Habitual absenteeism without valid reasons may result in strict disciplinary action.
  • Any pupil who is found to be habitually absent without a valid or satisfactory explanation (exceeding 6 days for students in Grade IX and above or 10 days for students in Grades I to VIII) will have their name removed from the school register. Re-admission, if granted, will be subject to the payment of a re-admission fee of Rs.1000/-.

Care of School Property

  • Students must take care of school property. Any damage will be repaired at the student’s expense and fines may be imposed for negligence.

Classroom Conduct

  • In the absence of a teacher, students must maintain silence and follow instructions of the class representative.

Homework and Parental Involvement

  • Students should bring their textbooks and stationery daily. Homework must be completed regularly and parents are also encouraged to check their ward’s work on regular basis.
  • Parent-teacher meetings should be attended compulsory by the parents and cooperation of the parents is must for the progress of the child.

Examination Conduct

  • Using unfair means in the examination will result in a zero for that paper, a red card, and a warning. Repeated offenses will lead to dismissal.

Code and Conduct

  • Students are responsible for keeping their classrooms clean, including arranging desks, switching off lights and fans, and disposing of waste properly.
  • English must be spoken at all times, and students should use polite language. Rumor-spreading and negative comments about others are not allowed.
  • All students should show respect to staff and peers. Good behavior should reflect the school’s values.
  • All school communications should be promptly conveyed to parents. Meetings with teachers require prior appointments and permission from the principal.
  • Good conduct is expected both inside and outside the school. Misconduct outside school may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Students should ensure classrooms are in order before leaving, including turning off lights and disposing of waste.
  • Adhere to all safety norms while traveling by bus. Misconduct will result in the cancellation of bus facilities.
  • Receiving private tuition from school teachers is not permitted.
  • Students are responsible for keeping their classrooms clean, including arranging desks, switching off lights and fans, and disposing of waste properly.
  • Students with infectious diseases must stay away from school until they are cleared by a medical certificate.
  • Mark all personal items with the student’s name, class, and section.
  • No food or stationery items may be passed to the students during school hours.
  • Students are not allowed to drive vehicles to school. Violations will result in the vehicle being impounded and strict disciplinary action.
  • Expensive gifts and electronic gadgets are not permitted. Banned devices will be confiscated and not returned.
  • Students may only wear a small earring (for girls). No other ornaments are allowed.
  • The principal has the authority to deny admission or issue transfer certificates for disciplinary reasons.
  • Students are responsible for their personal belongings. The school is not liable for any loss.
  • All students should show respect to staff and peers. Good behavior should reflect the school’s values.
  • Regularly update changes in contact information, transport, or address with the class teacher to ensure smooth school operations.
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